THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Box 4, G.P.O., Canberra, A.C.T. Telegrams and cables: ““Natuniv” Canberra Refs Department of Microbiology lst August, 1961. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, PALO ALTO, Calif. U.S. A, _ Dear Josh, a I will be in California for a few days early in October before going over to the Macy Foundation Symposium, where I will see you again. I plan to arrive fh 8 . ny “Francisco on lst October (Sunday) and spend three da ‘at Berkeley and San Francisco, and then Thureday and Friday at Stanford. On Saturday I'm going by daylight train to Seattle so I'll probably. have to leave Palo Alto on Friday: Bvening.. +I would very much. dike. to. “see you and your set-up there. I would also like to Bee = Drs. Regnery: and. Schwert, and I have written. separately to them. . eee If you think it appropriate I could give a talk on | "Interactions between Poxviruses". Some are genetic and some, I believe, non genetic, Please give my regards to Esther, and to Gus Nossal. Best wishea, . , Yours sincerely, Frank Fenner Professor of Microbiology