DON FLICKINGER 3701 CONNECTICUT AVE., N.W. WASHINGTON, D. ©. 28 August 1961 Dear Josh, If all goes well and the Berlin situation doesn't erupt into a major conflagration, | will be quietly changing from active to retired service on 31 August 1961. On 1 September 1961 | will start working as a free-lance consultant in the field of space biomedicine with emphasis on the applied research and systems applications areas. Fortunately, and somewhat surprising to me at least, | have been retained by a sufficient number of benevolent clients (in government or scientific agencies) as will keep me going for the next 12-18 months. | will be working out of Washington, sharing an office in town and having an office at home also. | have most assuredly enjoyed our past friendship and trust that our paths will cross in the future, both socially and professionally. Meanwhile, my warm regards, and best wishes to you. Sincerely, DON FLICKINGER Brigadier General, USAF, MC Business: Residence: 2000 K Street, N.W. 4000 Tunlaw Road, N.W., Apt. 1107 Washington 6, D. C. Washington 7, D. C. Phone: 338-3193 Phone: 338-3257 ‘ PS PRrorme Meds Chomee am Atti dan Gaddyvis. Professor Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California * — \ s