24 Mar 61. Dear Josh; I am sorry that I was unable to put anything together for Dr. Leventhal's consideration before leaving for this NATO exercise. It may be just as well since no one now knows just what will ensue for space biomedicine with this new command reorganization. I can only hope that our major laboratories will remain with only a single point of technical direction and support. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I have asked our programming people to keep $30 M earmarked for use[?] until June 1st and have been given reasonable assurance that such will be done. I will know much more of the immediate future upon my return next Thursday the 30th and will still endeavor to work out a program with Dr. Leventhal prior to the turn of this fiscal year. Certainly enjoyed my brief visit with you and will try to arrange another trip in April or May. Sincerely Don