PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY SERVICE (Directed by the Medical Research Council for the Ministry of Health) Central Enteric Reference Laboratory, GENFRAL~PUBLIC-HEALTH-LABORATORY,- COLINDALE AVENUE, Lonpon, N.W.9. Telephone: COLINDALE 7041 (8 lines) Telegrams :: DEFENDER, NORPHONE, LONDON. 46th July, 1953. Dee Fock . I am enclosing herewith a table showing the susceptibilities of Salmonella strains other than Salm. paratyphi RP to the varatyphoid-3 typing phages. The phages. were applied in two pools as indicated in the table, each phage in its routine test dilution, and it may well be that higher concentrations may yield wider cross reactions. For the sake of completeness Grouos B and D are also included. Unfortunately, one of the phages in Pool 2 ("Newburn" ) has now been dis~ carded and is no longer available; 7 hove thet the cross reactions were not due to this phage. Phage "Jersey" hes been added to the group since the experinents were done in 1949 and was not therefore included in the cross tests. The protocol shows a considerable cross reaction in Groups other than 3 and D. Pool 1 is evidently uuch more restricted in its host range than Tool 2. The cross reactions of the Salm. typhi-murium typing phages were restricted to Groups B and D, so I have not included the record of tests with these phages. I am forwarding under separate cover 10ml. of phage k, the Yate of prep- aration of which is on the bottle. The lysate was freed from the propagating strain of Salm. typhi by treatment with toluene. Careful sterility tests have so far failed to demonstrate viable typhoid bacilli in such preparations. Using our spot method of titration the titre of this .prevaration is 3 x 409, Plaques are fairly easily visible but small on surface bacterial lawns; they may require a lens for satisfactory demonstration. The spectrum of activity of this phage is very wide. It attacks every Vi-phage type of the typhoid bacillus except Types 26 and k; the latter, of course, is the strain from which the phage was isolated. It also lyses typhoid C 901 and Salm. gallinarum, but I have not yet examined its action on other Salmonellas. IT should be interested to know what success you have with this phage as a transducing agent. Wit. Auced wpa ( (hewn, Cross reactions of Salmonella paratyphi B typing phages with heterologous Salmonellas. Pool 2 Pool 2 Pool 1 Beccles, Tauntoy Pool 1 | Beccles, Taunton Group | Salmonella |) 9) 3a, hewburn (now Group | @lmonella 5) 3a, | Newburn (now Type 3al, 3b discarded ) Type 3al, 3b discarded) Dundee, B.A.O.R. Dundee, B.A.O.R. B fbortus equif ++ ++ D sendai + + ++ stanley - + miami ++ ++ heidelberg - + onarimon - + + istanleyville - + enteritidis ? + + + enteritidis bredeny + + jena - + cholerae Cc suis - + + rostock - + + 1348 cholerae suis - + = kunzendorf + blegdam 5210 era - + + pensacola + - daytona - + + clairbornei - = para C . ( 9. stock - ++ italiana ~ = cultures) manhattan - zz javiana + + - virginia - t E muenster - + newport hitt - + Puerto Rico ~ ++ ยข Agons fayta - + + G wichita - + bovis norbificans - + H heves - + cornwallis ~ + I orientalis - + + + = semi-confluent to confluent lysis +) +) diminishing degrees of reaction