‘THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY PITTSBURGH, PENN’A $ May 6, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I have now had opportunity to go over the reprint on bacter- ial variation which you sent me some weeks ago, during my prolonged absence from the Laboratory. I find it very in- teresting indeed, and I am wondering if you could send me a reprint of your paper listed as No. 5 in the Bibliography? I don't seem to have encountered this one before, and it certainly sounds interesting. Thanking you very much indeed, and trusting that I shall see you in Baltimore next week, I am, with kindest personal regards, Sincerely yours, Katee Lely, Ralph R, Mellon, M. D. RRM rbp geal) qe v pl) cock fhe aiken tex