BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATE D R o c H E i) T E R 2, N E- W Y Oo R K ATR MAIL v May 16, 1961 The Standford University Medical Center Department of Genetics Palo Alto, California Attention: Dr. Joshua Lederberg Prof. of Genetics Subject: Spectronic 505 Reference: Your letter of April 27 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am happy to hear that your Spectronic 505 is now work- ing properly and that trouble with the light source and the hydrogen lamp no longer exists. I have sent you under separate cover a service manual for the Spectronic 505 which you requested. This con- tains the wiring diagrams and circuits, along with the complete instructions for servicing of this instrument. We are making plans to have an engineer concerned with the Spectronic 505 visit the West Coast in the near future. Because there is no established time for this visit presently set up, I wouldlike to get the details concerning the equipment which you may require. I would further like to say that we are finishing the design of a time rate accessory for the Spectronic 505. This accessorywill consist of a second pot in conjunction with the linear potentiometer presently in the instrument. A driving voltage will be taken off this second pot, relative to the position of the pen on the Spectronic 505. This voltage can be sent into a stripchart re- corder for long and consistent time rate recordings. The output from the second pod will have two ranges, one from 0 to 15 and the other from 0 to 115 millivolts. Almost any external equipment or recorder capable of accepting these ranges with a relatively high impedence will be feasible. The setup for light scattering studies often depends on material involved and we would appreciate knowing your applications and details of the materials to be used. BAUSCH ~® LOMB INCORPORATED TheStandford University May 16, 1961 It is possible that light scattering measurements can be made with the reflectance attachment either before or after the integrating sphere. Also, details con- cerning the Densitometer for analysis of photographic plates would be greatly appreciated by our engineers. I suggest that you outline what equipment you would want us to consult on or design for you. Very truly yours, RFFreitas:DC Product Supervisor Analytical and Photogrammetric Instruments Section