THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY PITTSBURGH, PENN’A ¥ December 4, 1948 Dr. Joshua Lederberg College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison 6, “Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I have your inquiry of November 30, in regard to our paper which has just appeared in the "Journal of Bacteriology." Really, there is not very much of any further detail that we can give you about the experiment in question. In other words, all that happened was to take a culture heavily seeded with the M phase, inoculate with S cells, incubate for 24 hours at 37° C, and plate out. As soon as the reprints come, we shall be glad to send you one, as well as one of the review that I was trying to get published a couple years ago when I met you at Cold Spring harbor, anc which has finally appeared in the "Journal of Immunology." It seems likely that we will continue some studies in population dynamics, and we are working rather intensively on the whole problem at the present time. I shall be very happy to consult the references that you mentioned, as I had not seen then. With sincere regards, I am Cordially yours, Kept, Ulealern— Ralph R. Mellon, M. D. Director, Institute of Pathology RRM rbp