THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY PITTSBURGH, PENN’A Co August 29, 1946 Mr. Joshua Lederberg Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Dear ir, Lederberg: I have your request contained in your letter of August 9th and as soon as my secretary returns around about September first, we shall be glad to send you copies of whatever reprints I have left that bear on the problem of bacterial repro- duction and bacterial variability. It will not be as full a set as I sent to Dr. Tatum inasmuch as our supply through the years has gradually become exhausted. This pertains particularly to the bound monograph dealing with the subject of sicrobic Heredity. I am sorry about this because a person interested in the subject as vitally as you are would find it convenient to have material right by his elbow. However, I know you will be able to use those that I sent Dr. latum as long as you are with him, and you will have the bibliography which is the next best thingy. I shall be very in- terested in following the results of your very dranatic experiments and I trust you will remember me when your own reprints come to hand. Tell Dr. Vatum thet I shall be happy to take my first opportunity to visit his new laboratory in Yale. With kindest personal regards to both of you, I Sincerely yours, Halph , wellon, M. D.