ba ps t. ee OCT» + song’ % 211964 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE SCIENCE 1515 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005 © 387-7171 20 October 1964 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Recently, I became curious as to the number of U.S. Nobel Laureates in medicine and physiology who are members of AAAS. The result was 15 out of 22. I was pleased with these figures but then saddened to note that you are not among our members. During the past few years AAAS has notably improved its services to members. We feel that the magazine Science has come to have an increasingly significant role. The \ journal is carrying more material of interest to a broad audience. It has more content relevant to the physical science. It is becoming more international in character. Science is very often quoted in newspapers, magazines, and the Congressional Record. Our journal is improving and Km will continue to do so. Nesta gy I am hoping that you will add further distinction to our membership by joining it and am enclosing a membership form for your convenience. Sincerely, Philip H. Abelson Editor PHA/1h Enc. oe, _ een Be