10.x11.52 My dear Sill, | . t have received,and not answered for a while,your letter of the 27th November.! was very pleased to hear that the var'ous amendments have proved possible. 0.%.for the vurious ale terations you vroposed; the one on khw table ?te exactly us it loo~ ked,y- think,on the table I sent 4e-tHe-Editexrys with the menuscript woich was not understood by the printer. Re your questions : (1) on page 94, (#8) refers to strain %@.8 of sy collection. Tt is obvicusly of no sifnificancs to tue reader,except thut it is the struin on vuhicn i spent tae last three months «nd may have to. refer to this pointe Patek Rshia the symbol # be uncesrtandable to readers as meaning “s rain Jo." ? 7 thought it were a customary syzbol,it least in the imerican literature. substitut ine /#hS" longer paraphrase .o0uiL. mean altering wll the successive lines, There would he no ,rcat harm in deleting (8) altogether,itf (48) makes nc sense to most readers. (2) Peference fur Juviex 23eDe Davisf3tudies on nutritionally deficient bieterial mutants isolate ted by mcans of penicillin/ixperientia,6:41-50 (1950). (3)Refe= rence to my paper,1952 : Genetic analysis of drug-resistiznee, Bull, d@rld With Org.6:1€5-206% «iid &u send you un offprint ? if not,one is enelosed. | . | work: I nave lost the last month looking for a presumptive “Linkage of my oF (percfroetary with methionine. A preliminary te- st hid indicated the possibblity of linkage; i.e.,cro:sing #8 which is i+ with TLB,-S* on minimal +st+methionine,most recombi- nuits :re l= and they seemed to be mmmkky all F* (at the boundary of st. 2ificance).T have therefore enlurged the data conspicy ly,and now seen th:t linkage with ‘+ does not exist. F is still “herefore indevendent of all markers tested, though ~ must wait for some more duta coming on ie,und the next step 7 shall try is resistance to colicine E,us this also seems independent of the other markers,and perhups independent of + polerity, according to data puodiished by Prederieg/ Wetter “ate Slag time has been the analysis of a new Feagent,which seeus to be different from the 7 of “~1? in tht it can infect my ryt have no conclusive evidence that this is true.Recambination with the new P-ugent hagppens ut a too low rate to be of real use. 7 am sorry, because ZT poped to test whethe: a different Feagent world deterwine a different pattern of segregation, i.e. a different prob:bility ; beck Ete on. rors re:chimg the F~ cell, Tf bave still a hope that open Se EGS*Eb stabitity. of the Pupint. now is ycu work going ? Yours ever