20.11752 My dear Bill, . : Thank you for your letter and telegram. Airmailed proofs have not yet been received,and I therefore doubt that it will be possible to send them back to the Editor directly in time.I am enclosing the list of corrections,hoping that they can be incorporated even at the? of stage,at least the most important of them. The Editor. will peraaps realize that writing a paper with a certain hurry, by two,or rather, three people at the corners of a traaggle London-Milan-Wisconsin is not an easy I am rather ashamed for all the trouble that this paper costs you.As to offprints, I shoulda orde*six hundred and should be grateful if the bill coulda be made to my name at the adaress of the Institutegas if the editor wants the reprints to be paid by someone resding in Gt, Britain, perhaps I should ask you to anticipate this sum and I shall care that this sum be refunded to you. The same could happen also in case the editor does not nd wher he money comes from, but you are interested in having? Tae eat oti your ar:ival next year for the Congresses, It would, however, help me if I could have the bill addressed to the Institute, The cars have come;they are beautiful. They are still practically unknown in this country.Thank you und Mre?Hayes for them, I shall write more diffusely soon about workgat the moment I want this letter sent &@8 s00n as possible. I was greatly interested by your last letter, Yours ever ath He pte LE wl Rw WIR Wo wr ot ow Coa, he. ae . LIST OF CORRECTIONS TO JGM PAPER Pages refer to yellow manuscrppt in my hands. p.6,lines 19-72,delete sentence :"Aeration was carried out either by rolling the tubes (Milan) or by bubbling air thorugh the medium ", p.6 line 18,insert :"(by rolling)" after the word “apration", p-9 line 12, Instead of “enzyme inhibitors(...)",write ; “inhibitors of enzymes(....)". Byidpiines. 90104 xinategd