Richmond. 16-11-52 Dear Luca, You will have received my telegram telling you that the proofs of yours and my paper arrived yesterday. There is a printed slip accompanying the proofs which says that typographical corrections only are permitted. I do not know to what extent this may upset your plans to make fairly radical alterations to your paper. The proofs must be in Nov. 24. I feel the best thing would be for you to alter your proof to the extent you originally intended and send it airmail to the editor. Let me know roughly what you have done. I have already corrected your paper in the ordinary way, including some minor alterations in the setting out of Table 2 which is a bit cramped in the proof. I will also embody in my corrections any legitimate instructions you may send me and, when I have heard from you, ring up the editor and ask him what he thinks about it. You will note that the proofs are page proofs so that clearly not much can be added or subtracted expect at the end of paragraphs -- though I expect a footnote would be permissible. Incidentally, I think the typescript I gave you on yellow paper matches the top copy I received with the proofs. Sorry for the trouble and rush -- I hadn't expected the proofs for some time yet. Do you want me to order and pay for reprints for you -- if so, how many? All the best-- Bill. P.S. Did the toy cars arrive?