UNIVERSITY OF LONDON “ oP POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF LONDON ‘ . POSGRADMED CHISK LONDON , DUCANE ROAD Telegrams Telephone SHEpherds Buh $08 (4 lines) LONDON, W.12 Department of Bacteriology. 12 November,1952. Dear Luca, This letter is really just to show you that I have been a good boy and worked hard and that my knowledge of genetics has increased infinitely - from zero! I hope you are impréssed} Actually I have for some time been anxious to determine whether UV treatment of the F+ parent disturbs the segregation ration of F+ X F- crosses,and thought that,in the process,I could experiment a bit with Jim's two-chromosome idea. I have therefore carried out an analysis of 102 prototrophs(as a preliminary run) from each of the crosses: » 58+161/F- X W-677/F+ on MA + By primarily "B" cross-overs; 58-161/F+ X W-677/F- on MA + Bl = primarily "a" cross-overs ,and - 58-161/F+ X W-677/F- on WA alotie= all B,+(checked) and involving "AN & "B" c.o.s it B, is on "B",as seems likely. Due to the fact that Ty is technically tedious while "-677 is only Gals- and gives some growth on MA + Gal which makes things difficult, I have restricted the analysis to Lac & Az("A") and SM,Mal & By ("BN"). I enclose the analysis,together with a comment on three anomalies which struck me as being against a simple AB’ theory. You will probably find these comments very naive but I am still only a "toddler" and thought you might like to see how the ratios provided quite independent- ly fitted your own. I am putting up another 100 from crosses 1 & 2 this week,together with a UV series from an aliquot of the same F+ cultures, (WF . Yours, fi &