Jepartment of Jeneties, The Jniversity, Adzbaston, Bircineham, 15. 2nd ilay, 1953. Dr. J. Lederbers, Jepartiwent of Genetics, Golleze of Asriculture, University of +isconsin, wadisgon 6, ; Wisconsin, U.S.a. Dear Lederbers oS? It was a sreat pleasure to receive a letter 7vom you aad to hear how a. coli is setting alone. Altnoush I try to read the various papers ag they appear, esoecisaily the reviews, LI do aot ®iad it easy to * eee eeed %, KA ces, £ get % S= D gf = , . a Ce 7 oe n s ~ Setter’ name and address :- . 3 . z= is , Z> aE oo Pa) ¥ “peofeseor K. Mather, -P. ReSey moder xe 3] f .... Department of Genetied,* opt. ws a iS rz > | | yoyo +.) The University, en ce Wg r : Edgbaston, ~ - i Bib ig f ‘*. i os tik if a . b *< it » ne a iO * a “ 9 o iQ ic oa * © Hy S he : rey y be Q _—! to OL & ct a Ee “ p ¢ 7 we i 4 . Qi @ . ae (: §:° blue c a i) = : > . at ° _ ~~ €&~0504 ano vedo of ; cee oe