UNIVERSITY OF LONDON POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF LONDON Telegrams POSGRADMED CHISK LONDON DUCANE ROAD Telephone SHEpherds Bush “1260 (4 lines) LONDON, W.1!2 Department of 14th August, 1952. Bacteriology. Dear Cavalli, I received your paper from the editor of the J.G.M. this morning together with a letter of which I enclose a copy. It appears that the editors and assessors consider that the paper should be considerably re-planned and re-written. The Journal goes to press on the 15th September but the editor tells me that if the paper can be returned to him in suitable form not later than the 17th September it will be in time for the next number. The editor seems keen for our papers to be together in the next number. As you will realise there is not sufficient time left for you to consult about the matter with Lederberg (in any case I think he is on vacation). If you approve therefore, I will be only too pleased to do what I ean before I come to Italy and then I will bring the paper with me for discussion and your approval. youn rrpen al a ty cba One of the major items requiring re-drafting is your Table 2, and this I do not feel I can undertake to do. Would you have time to do this? an Please do not feel that this will-be a nuisance to me as I am only too pleased to help you in any way I can. If we can get the paper into something like the final form before I see you at Pallanza I can have it tyved when I get back and return it to the editor by the 17th September. I feel that any other arrangement would only withhold publication from the next nunber fof the journal and of the. journal and I feel that our papers should appear con- currently as was originally intended and while I would, of course, be prepared to hold back my own paper if this proved necessary I. would naturally prefer to appear as early as possible, | ene ee With best wishes, Yours sincerely, wihont wee Lo vit eet! Lone ui 0 Karn v1 Mari bug LA Me rafltrec a0 ache a cote ord 7 Dr. “L. Cavalli, “ [onde ee 4 Instituto Sieroterapico Milanese, “gage a ge Via Darwin 20, Milano. — ot (1 oy PSs ina Veda Fras a ee His Mh — a Me Pe ww ag” pas phat & wits t= toll & ae / ae a, Meal pn LOE mE Sor we ni» MAal- Ad Ce fron oe WioK (gon etek mle _, hed oh evr Lee of 8 weak fren