_ pensive,and T may »e uble to find out/ 28/4/52 Dear Hayes, Thank yor for your letter ; I am glad to hear that you will come to Pallanza - which i8 a smali town on the Lake Maggiore, North Italy. we had to give up Kome as a consequence of incompatibi- lity of dates, I am sure also Mrs, Hayes wilt like the place very much, If you come by train you should take the Gimplon line . If you come by cur und want to avoid climbing up the Simploni,you can have your cur transported by train from the last Swiss station to the first Itelian station (Donodossola) 47h ges e4u8* be very @x you ore érested. te shall haveazto divide the party between two hotels, of which one will prebably be more expensive ( about 3650 and 3800 liras daily,full board,per person 3; the Hobe RSs which we shall be able to give per person will be about 25,000 aiid "whe meeting should last four days) Unfortunately I am unable to pay an increased allowance to partici- pants accompanied by wives ! Tf you have any preference 2s to hotel ete., Or want informations concerning travelling , please don't hesitate to ask me. . I hope you huve rev-eived meanwhile the manuseript ‘or Genetics,which will orient you on xour present ideas. I an very glad, personally to ac ept the provosition that the Gl! paper be delayed, this will give me an opportunity of writing that peper myself - 7 am at present entirely absorbed by various organizational and other troubl