UNIVERSITY OF LONDON POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF LONDON Telegrams POSGRADMED CHISK LONDON DUCANE ROAD ane a LONDON, W.12 SHEpherds Bush 1260 (4 lines) Department of Bacteriology. 2end April, 1952. My dear Cavalli, I was sorry to hear that yourchildren had been i111 but glad to learn that the one who had swallowed the open safety-pin had escaped without operation. This last episode must have been most worrying while it lasted. .1I hope yaur family affairs are now restored to normalcy. IT am enclosing a formal acceptance of the invitation to Italy in September. I shall, of course, be delighted to come and would like to read a short paper though, at the rate at which things are developing, what we think now may be quite different from what we think in September! I want to thank you very much for your help in having me invited. I hope to bring Nora along with me. I cannot find Pallanza on the map and presime it is a suburb of Rome since Pontecorvo (whom I met at the Oxford meeting) said it was to held there.. Yesterday I rang up the editor of the J.G.™. and tola him that we wished a joint publication, to which he was quite agreeable. The next issue goes to press on the 17th June and is- piblished on the lith November. Papers should be recéived "as early as possible", This means, I think, within the next couple of weeks. The editor could not say definitely whether papers.received in the near future would be accepted. Apparently about thirty papers will be accepted, and this number have already been received, but since some of these will require extensive editing and will therefore miss the next issue the editor thinks there will be. space for ten papers more, lon nan ame /orovsaing they ae is providing they do not require much editing. Your paper will presumably have to be returned to you since, in such s:bjects as genetics, any small alterations might alter the meaning. It is very hard therefore to say whether or not our papers will appear in the November issue yn