13.4.52 Dear Hayes, I am writing you fro. the Beaside, where the children are at present in convalescences I had to rush here because the youngest child ate a safety pin (open) ,which has now cone out spcntaneously without trouble. I shall answer your letters from Milang ieanwhile I am enclosing the invitaticn for Pallanzga. We have. been lately seeing thing/similar to tie ones you menticnytwo pap rs ape in preparation,one for Ge etics (L.C.gL. ) and one for EG (C.LLL.). The latter is not ready ; of the forner, a copy ia being reatyped for you and will be soon sent fron dilan. I hope the JG! manuscript may be ready by the end of the monthe Shall We send the papers ~yours and - urs - j intly to JGN, or would i: be enovgh to send them separately and ask the eddtors to publish them on the sane issue ? Yours sincerely L.Cavall4