Ca Oo a poor knowledre of classical genetics so that I do not instinctively internret findings in renetic terms. I do not hold stronely to my theory and am quite ready to abandon it if need be, and I cannot atterpt to fit my findings into a detailed fenetic picture witnont expert advice. /iccording to you 1. According to you, F+ is separate from the "gamete" and determines self-compatibility; -1.e. determines the ability of the two mutants to mate by means of a more or less orthodox sexual mechanism in which both partners participate more or less equally, If this is so, then F+ x F+ matings should be more efficient that F+ x Fe matings since, in the former, all the cells are compatible ab initio, while in the latter, mating mist occur in two stages - first the transduction of F+ to the Fe cells and then the actual mating between the now compatible F+ cells. On putting this to the test, I found that 53-161/i+ x W677/i+ is approximately twenty times less efficient in prototroph formation than either 58-161/F+ x 677/F= or A677 /B+ x 58-161/F-. I have repeated this twice und am confident thet it is so. 26 As I see it, if recombination is achieved by tie union of two complete haploid chromosomes, with crossing over und meiosis, then the patterns of unselected markers should be the same ire respeotive of which partner of the mating mixture initially carries F+ or F-. I have in the past tested severs! niundred prototroph colonies from the usual 53-161/F+ x ‘677¥F- iete and have been struck by the fact that 25 - 30 per cent huve the W677 ("gene acceptor") phenotype. The marers I have used ave been Lac, Man, 91 and 9T3. I have now tested 20 prototroph /Colonies from each UNIVERSITY OF LONDON POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF LONDON Telegrams POSGRADMED CHISK LONDON DUCANE ROAD tesphene LONDON, W.12 SHEpherds Bush 1260 (4 lines) ) ft a epee colonies from each of the F+ x F+ and F+ x Fe motings specified above. I find that, using these markers, the majority of prototrophs carry the phenotype of the F- ("gene acceptor") strain und none that of the F+ strein when one of the strains is frankly F- while in the F+ x F+ cross the phenotype of the prototrophs is (apart from "new" strains) either thot of 53-161 or of ‘677 in about equal proportions. These results sre quite clearcut and, although I heave only done this exveriment onee, I am sure thit they will prove repeatabie, I shall be most interested to lesern your views, St the moment I am trying to formulate my own for my forthcoming_»: I still hold that an F+ strain is one which hertours a C; and, like lysogenic cells in relation to phage, cannot rc-cetv one until it has got rid of its own; while F-{ cells are “gam te'~ free. I think it possible that some of the "blocks" of TONES which the "gumete" carries can perhaps show genuine reeombination with parts of the F- chromosome but thet the busie renctie struc ture of the prototroph remains that of’ the “accentor" strain. Perhaps the number of "" are an index of the Vamlences of vy views but I feel that the detoils ere really a matter for the venetizict. It may be that the K-12 type o> recombination is the siissing Lin’c in the evolution of sexusl mechenisms from simple traastor~stions and all the more intcresting on thut account. Spicer tells me that he is going t>) work in your lah. in the near future, T would very much like to have the opportunity to discuss things with you personally but cen't see a hone of retting to America in the forseeable future, But perhans you will be coming to “urope! I thought your "Selected Papers” excellent and a most valuable book to possess. Yours sincerely,