UNIVERSITY OF LONDON ” 5 Me (£:POSTGRAD ( eu SS. OR LONDON bee, a sabe ew eB ee SEScRADIED cHIsK LONDON =) oO DUCANE ROAD - Teds Bong dine) Ot LONDON, W.12 StiEpherds Bush 1260 (4 lines) : . _Dept.of Bacteriology. ... 8th.April,1952. Dear Cavalli, .- en, Drs Obs ote. Elon on. > Many thanks for your letter of v 3/4/5226. . Tam enclosing a copy of a ‘letter .: cE. Rave sent to Lederberg. ..: I hope you :do'nt mind ‘my. answering .you in this way just now but I. am very buey.-. I: much appreciate your suggestion of nublighing your. joint paper. in ‘the: J.Gen.Microbiol. .-and. I: consider it an: excellent idea to have our respective papers in the sane number. I still: have a certain amount of consolidation to do but this should not take more. than. 2~3: weeks’ when I can get down to it after the Oxford meeting next week. I have previously told you of my experiments on the relative efficiency of F+ X F+ and F+ X Fe matings and you will see in my letter to Lederberg of another experiment arising out of these which,I think,eliminates the possibility of a union of two haploid sets of chromosomes,followed by crossing-over and meiosis. It will,of course,have to be repeat- ed but I am reasonably confident of the resulta. I will send you copies of the | relevant experimental protocols as soon as these have been photographed. ‘If I: confirm these results on the different distribution of marker patterns in relation to (58F+ X WF-),(WF+ X 58F-) and (58F+ X Wr) na tings I shall,of course,abandon the term "gamete"but I am sticking to the gene donor and acceptor idea. My own views are (pro t 4 ’ ¢ beginning to crystalise a bit. I think the best thing for me to do will be to send you a typescript of my forthcoming waging paper to the Soc.Gen.Microbiol. This will be only a skeleton,of course,but it will be a more precise formulation of my views at the moment than I may have given in my letters. You would find in it a firmer basis for comment- ing on my theory-in your own paper and to this I am quite amenable, - May I,too,@iscuss your view that F+ is transferred separately from those characters directly involved in “pecombination"” and determines. the mating compatibility between the mutants, as well as ‘accounting for the absence of mating between Fe cells? %I think I have your view correctly. “ Thank you for your offer for further ‘exchange of ideas and comments which I will certainly take advantage of. I am sorry) about the dinner which certainly prejudiced & clear exchange of ideas but,perhaps,it was'nt such a bad idea after ali! — With best- wishes, Morheal AH Wen Wat Hntntoy oi ag27/