3/4/52 Dr.W. Hayes rostgraduate Medical School Ducane Rd. London W.12 Dear liayes, The Lederbergs and I have agreed to write join- tly ubout our observations on the transmission of F+, the fertia lity factor, and since some of our observations, at least those on genetic infection,are so close te yours, we thought that it aight be reasonable to publish such a paper on the Journal of Generul iderobiology , possibly in the same issue in which your paper on the same subject will appear - I hope 7 understood cor reetly when you said you would send a pauper to this Journal. I au myself a member of the Society of General 'Meroblology, and I hope we shall have tne paper accepted. If you think tis suits you,we may perhaps send both a word to the editors about it, I expect our pauper may be ready by the end of this month. a8 you know,both Lederberg and I cannot agree to the idea of a “self-reproducing gamete" ,which seens to obscure rather than to enlighten the picture,and it may be worth expres= siga our views on this in the paper, T am telling you this,also dn agrrement with Lederberg, because you mieht like to take tnis opportunity to clarify your own views on the matter on the JGN paper, I have tried to express to you my ideas in London, but the time hus been unfortunately short, and the discussion took place mostly aftcr a good meal . However, should you like to have fur ther exchange of ideas and comments on the subject, I should be quite glid of doting this by mail. I have not yet tried the sample of DNA-ase which you «indly sent me,but nope to do so next week, with best regards to lirs. Hayes, Yours sincerely c/ to Lede ‘*rg.