UNIVERSITY OF LONDON POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF LONDON Telegrams POSGRADMED CHISK LONDON DUCANE ROAD Telephone SHEpherds Bush 1260 (4 lines) LONDON, W.12 Department of Bacteriology. . end April, 1952. Dear Cavalli, I would be very grateful if you could send me your radiation resistant 58-161 strain which shows increased recombination rate. I am anxious to try and determine whether the enhancement effect of UV is secondary to lambda phage liberation, as suggested by Lederberg, or is a primary effect. For this purpose I want a lambda-free 58-161, and it occurred to me that your eerne resis- tant strain might be suitable, smc om yuk nope radiatron- . abecting P fac atroain ooorn Gpetgein s eects a 6 pied Aowtilbhorn-ruschenlt re etosiice, ave dorfe s more experiments since I saw you and think I have now pretty good evidence that the fertility factor (F+) does not simply confer compatibility between otherwise equivalent strains, but that, in fact, "gene donator" strains lack the "Gam- ete" and therefore are capable of receiving it and that the essen- tial function of F is connected with infection of F- strains with the gamete. . According to the self-compatibility theory, maximum recombin- ation should occur between F+ strains as these strains are already fully compatible. On the other hand F+ x F- matings should, if this theory is correct, occur in two stages: (1) The conversion of the F- strain to F+ and (2) The recombination between the now compatible parents. These matings should therefore be less efficient that F+ x F+ matings. ; . /According to my theory According to my theory however, since F- strains consist exclusively of "gene acceptor" cells, matings of these with F+ cells should show maximum recombination. On the other hand since F+ x F+ matings (according to my theory) will depend on the presence of a small number of “gene acceptor" cells in tie each population which have spontaneously lost their “gamete” this mating: should be minimal. I have carried out carefully controlled quantitative estim- ations of the recombination rate with F+ x F+ and F+ x F- mixtures of the same strains under identical conditions and find that the latter combination is about ten to twenty times as efficient as the former. I don't know whether I have expressed my meaning very clearly in this letter but I ho e shortly to send you details of these i erperimen tay aa wrk a Rat cugyeetec! fOr on ei foiling Fix Fr cto Cock patrinsen Yours nine, athol uordk Mpg Dr. L. Cavalli, a Instituto Sieroterapico Milanese, Milana, - Via Darwin 20, Italy.