UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL. CHEMISTRY Beltsville, Maryland Room 305-A North Building April 21, 1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your comments on our paper entitled: "The utiliza- tion of some organic compounds by one strain each of S. anatum, s- oranienburg, and S. pullorum," J. Bact. 59(3):361-366, March 950. The organism requiring thiamine should have been 8. —<- but in the process of preparation for publication, it was accidentally transposed as S. pullorum. I quite agree with your comments regarding the importance of distinguishing between the availability of a carbon compound as an energy source in a synthetic medium on the basis of its metabolic utilizability and the specific growth requirements of an organism. Metzger's results with pantothenate and Pseudomonas sp. (J. Bact. 64:135, 1947) appear to show that distinction. Further work along such lines would indeed be desirable if we are to obtain a clear picture of the role of various substances in the nutrition of microorganisms. Supplemental studies on the specific growth factors required by our 5. pullorum strain are contemplated, if we are to continue along theee lines. Sincerely yours, Frank Davis, Bacteriologist Microbiology Research Division