UNIVERSITY OF LONDON DEPARTMEN®T. OF BACTERIOLOGY. - SU Bbe POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF LONDON - r Telegrams ~ POSGRADMED CHISK LONDON DUCANE ROAD Telephone . SHEpherds Bush 1260 (4 lines) LONDON, W.12 10th .February,1952. Dear Cavalli, Many thanks for your last letter. First of all I am enclosing a reprint of my letter to Nature,and also a typescript of another letter just submitted,dealing with the enhancing effect of UV on recombination. I thought this piped latter might interest you. I am quite sure of the results though not,of course, on the provisional theory based on them. When 58-161 log phase broth cultures are irradiated and then incubated in broth for an hour and washed,the resulting concentrated suspension is marked] v viscid. I have had one such preparation estimated in an Ostwald viscometer before and after treatment with DNA-ase and the viscosity is definitely reduced. I shall be doing some more tomorrow. This viscosity does not seem to be produced after irradiation of W 677 nor of an infertile 58-161 strain obtained from Spicer. This will also be checked tomorrow,I hope. I am particularly interested in Spicers strain. His W 677 & 58-161 strains(? obtained from you) showed recombination just over a year ago. He left them on egg medium in the refrigerator for a year while he was doing the Dip. Bact.course and when he returned and tested them,they showed no recombination. Working on my provisional theory,I suggested to him that his 58-161 had lost its self-reproducing yeux gamete and ~ had therefore become like W677. On testing them out I found that his W677 strain showed recombination with my 58-161 but not vice versa. His 58-161 is completely infertile,even after UV stimulation, I am now anxious to show: (1) That Spicer's 58-161 is capable of prototroph formation when mated with a strain that behaves like my 58-16l,e.g. 58-161 reverted to prototrophism,or a prototroph from the mating of 58-161 & W 677, or some other interfertile strain in accordance with your works (2) That Spicer's strain can be made fertile again. This latter I propose to test for in the following way: Make 58-161/Spicer S% and also Azide’ as a marker,then allow it to grow in a fertile 58-161 culture after irradiation;finally to plate out on streptomycin-agar and pick a number of colonies which are S° Az’ ,and which presumably are not erwkerezapeg all prototrophs, and test these for ability to recombine with W677. If these experiments work out (they probably wo'nt!) I would consider the evidence very strongly in favour an "infective" gamete which,like P.T.O. symbiotic phage,can be lost from a culture but which has no lytic properties. If one assumes this to be the case it would explain your findings concerning the absence of interfertility in w 677 and its existence in the case of 56-161,wild-type K 12 and all prototrophs since,in cultures of these strains a proportion of cells would lose their gamete and become "zene acceptors" like W 677. However,I have now tested 140 colonies from one plating of 56-161 and have not yet found one colony which is not fertile. In answer to your question,I have tried to see whether prototrophs would result if 58-161 and W 677 were both sterilised by streptomycin. The answer is "No", I would very much like to try strains other than TLB] ~,however. I have not yet succeeded in obtaining a back mutation to prototrophism with my 58-16l,even after irradiation. I would be grateful if you could send me this,one strain with and another without sugar deficiencies,both of which you say you have obtained. - They would serve both my purposes. Would you like 58-161/Spicer? Incidentally,55-161 is definitely Biotin +. I find that my strain grows just as well in basal medium + methionine,whether or not biotin is added,when glucose is replaced by pure hydrolysed saccharose which is,I think,certainly biotin-free. Moreover in a short paper by Davis(J.Bact.,1950-60-507) he refers to 56-161 as requiring only mettionine. Incidentally,do you know anything about a meeting of what I think is called the "International Association of, Vicrobial Geneticists" which is meeting in Naples in either April or September? I would very much like to produce some of my results there (as well as to see Naples!) but do'nt know how to go about it. If you should -have any information on this,I would be grateful to have it. _ I think this letter is very diffuse but I thought I would Like to tell you how things are going with me. I find this recombinat- ion a fascinating phenomenon, . r - Yours sincerely, - (William Heyes) ae ae - - cea cre ett re tte ae