‘ poy UNIVERSITY OF LONDON POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL | OF LONDON robdRAae “cok iONDON DUCANE ROAD Tsene . ' LONDON, W.12 SHEpherds Bush 1260 (4 lines) Department of Bacteriology. ist Jénuéery, i952. beer Dr. Céevelli, i wes very pleased to get your letter of the 15th Decemher telling me about your work end the wey in which it certainly appeers to be complementery to mine. It wus very good of you to let me know of this work end when I get any more informetion of interest I will let you have it. There is one thing I did not understand in your letter, and thet is because I em not & geneticist. You sey thet one cf your. ¢ims is to meke "strains which, on erossing, would not be heterozygous for chromosome mutetions." I had élways considered thet the work 'heterozygous' could only be aoplied to diploid cells end I sssume thet you consider the two mutsents we are both using tc be haploid, except perhsps for 6 generstion efter ?conjugation, or in the diploid strsins heving the 'Het' cene described by Lederberg. With best wishes for the New Yeer, Yours sincerely, sad Dr. Le Cavalli, , Instituto Sieroterapico Milanese, Milane, Vie Darwin 20, Italy.