15/12/51 Dear Dr.Hayes, Thank you very much for your letter of Decedénd 3 your discovery of the retention of fertilizing abil.ty after strep- t@uyoin sterilizetion is very exciting and throws mucin light on my present work, Thank you for let:ing me know it in advance of publication. - IT have been doing a good deal of work with strep- tonycin letely,and,yas you will see,sc:e of my resulis are conple=- mentary to yours in a rem-rkable way. I shall tell you abcut them, as you may be interested to see what sort of confirmation shpough an entirely independent approach my resul‘s can bring to yours. I an not thinking of publishingthis soon,as 1 shsuld like to be able to conclude on one iain point before -whether maps are linear or not,amg unless present xsone ened will show that I aw still very far from it 4 however,you can wake what use you like cf thés better of mine. Trying to follow up one of Liy aius —- thats of naking strains which ,:n crossing,would not be heterozygous for chrokoso— me mutation as I think I tave shown the cross 58-161 x W 677 is = I have prepared a 5 ~161 with .ultiple sugar deficiencies ( $ 147 ) and,later,maz the following four strains + §8-161 s*; 5-151 rever— ted to prototrophism by back mutation and selection on mininal 3 1AT s* 3 147 reverted ‘to rrototrophism. The crosses 147 s* x 58- 161/ Pash ceagent © and 147 prototrophic x 58-161 s* are both suce- cessful on minimal plus streotomyciny they are complenentary hete~ rozygous for a number of sugars: apparently without chpomosome mu- -tations ‘isturbing the segregations (I am not very sure yet about enka" } point). On the other hand, EB hiea to repeat entirely similar experi- ments with W677 (making W 677 s* and W 677 prototroohicgand the same on a variety of other strains,alla having in com on with W 677 the T-L-3, - markers), the cross 2L3,-S" x TLB,+ on minimal + streptomy- cin never gave rise to any prototroph,although several independent streins were bessed. Therefore I concluded that while 5h—16l,as the original K 12,behaved as homothallic, ieeecould forme male and female gametes, strain W677 and a11/PEBS= derivatives behaved as heterothal- lic. ,iee.coulé foru only one type of gamete (verhans the fenaleyones after your results). However honothallism can be restored by reconbination.In fact, recombinants fron 3-161 and W 671/San crese. tow phgnatyee was “just following this upp to control the inheritance of this/metins—-typ°-like behavi-ur. I shall keep youx informed of future i2veltments , because, al th- uch our ‘osds are not the sane,they seem to me to be closely parallel, As to Proteus ,1I feel I ourht to have written to you about its but ry results were ratier uninteresting.The round bodies,which you [However described to me,were clefaly visible.I made an nber of »utants,none of which seemdad stable enough to provide satisfactory evidence for erossins, Also, 1 found a paper by Dienes ~iving evidence against it, after work done by isotatins the round bodies and testine ther for natural markoss. : With all my gree:ings for Xmas and the New Year Yours sincerely