RECOMBINATION IN BACT.COLE K 12: UNE~DIRECTIONAL TRANSVER OF GENETIC MeTERLAL. - Phve years ago Lederberg and Tatum! demonstrated that. when teo mutant strains of Bect.cold K 12 heving double and complementary grewth factor reculrewents were slated together in « basal synthetic medium, colonies appeared in the retio of one to every 106 or 107 cells seeded, elthough colonies did not crise by back mutction shen the sutents were slated seperately. These colonies were protetrophic end similar to the wild type in thelr independence of ecued growth factors, Not only did they breed true, but it was also shown thet if cach mutant was further denoted by complenentary differences in choracters not seleeted by the besel medium (sueh cs fermentative canselty for verlous carbohydrates and sensitivity or resistence to spceifie wirus infeetion), the pattern of these cheracters in protetroph cultures wes usually different from thet in either mutent. It was clear, therefore, thet prototroph eolonles crose from the transfer of genetic material between the matants enc not from complementary exchange of growth factors. meunococcus or the "directed mutation" of similar mecheniss in Bect.sold, growth of one K 12 sutent in eulture filtrcetes of the other fsiledé to stimulate srototroph Unlike type trensfornation in Pheu formition, This, in conjunction with recent evidence for the eceasionsl oceurrence of diploid heterozygous prototrophs*, strongly support the wlew thet genetic recombination 1s mediated by the classicel mechenism of sexual conjug:tion, Aéttexpts to reproduce the phenomenon by similar techni:ves in other strains of Bact. cold und in Sulm.tyobtuuriym hewe failed, though Cevelil end Heslot succseded in out-crossing K 12 mutents with « naturally nutritionelly exacting struin of Bect.agidd Lucticl. In the following experiments, Best. cold K 12 mutants 50-161, revuiring biotin and nethionine, end ¥ 677, requiring leucine, threonine ond cneurin, were exployed. The aneurin re uirenent of 677 wes neutrelised by the addition of this substence to the besel medium. An ettecpt was made to investigate the dy of reconbination by sprecding « mixture of 55-161 and s streptomycin- roaistent sutent of F 677 (" 677/57) on a series of plates of begal nedium, enti then adding streptomycin to each plate in turn at ¢ifforent intervals cfter secding. It sus enticipeted thet the streptomycin would recidly block the recoubination mechan sn by insetiveting 58-161, while alloving rcesistunt prototroph cells formed prior to its sddition to develop into colonies. It was found in orsetice thet the number of srotetroyh colonies did not differ greatly whether atreotomyein was incorporated in the basal medium before pluting, or wcs added up to four hours Luter. Since similar results cere obtained «hen the outents were mixed for the first tice during pleting, the ocevrrence of recombins tion in wixtures before eontect with streptemyein was excluded. Rither protetrophs arose before the setion of streptomycin on the sensitive mutant bocane effective, or else those functions of the cell affeeted by streptomycin were not involved in reconbinetion, Logerithete phose broth cultures of 56-161 were treated vith either 1000 or 2000 pg./ml. straptomycin, under conditions optinel for beetericidal effect, for from 4 to 18 hours, After weshing and concentration in seline, volumes of suspension turbimstrically ecuivelent to from 1.5 £ 109 to 4.0 x 108 eelis (i.e. double the inoculum used in recombinution experiments) fre-uently proved sterile and rarely yielded more then 100 colonies on nutriont agar after 72 hours ct 3%7°C. Nevertheless such susyensions (5@-161/5*) invariably etinulcted prototroph formation when mixed with % 677/s¥ on b cal sedium contelning 200 pss /nl. streptomycin. Tho rcecombinetion rete, however, was usuelly appreeiebly lesa, end showed much more marked variation between experiments then when viable, untreated 58-161 suspensions were used. “henever streptomycin treatzent failed to produce sterility, control reconstruction experiments shoved thet about 1000 times is many untrested 58-161 cells as those which ned survived tresetmont failed to yield protetrosh colonies vhen nixed with % 677/s* suspension under similar conditions. Wixtures of strectonycin-trected ¥ 677 (F 677/s*) and 58—161/s", on the other rand, izmveriebly felled to produce prototrophs cl&hough comperable recoubination rates were given by the aixtures (7 677 3g + 58-1412) and and (58~161/83+ 7677). In these experinents streptomycin wes not incorporated in the besel medium since previous anolysia of proven prototroshs hed shown thet ibout 95 cor cent carried the s° or 3° cherecter of ¥ 677. The clearcut distinction between 58-161/s* ena " 677/s* in a» 4740)»