17/10 / (0d Dear Dr. Hayes, Thank you for your two letters,which reached me with some delay, as I am at present in Italy, I am enclosing a small sample of threoninex ,(dl~) about 1.2 gms, which T hope will enable you to carry on with your researeh until you get your supply. You don't need to bother about restitution, I am only sorry I have a syall amount myself and cannot send you the 2 gms. As concerns biotin, I have very limited quantities myself and only in solution, which make it @ifficult to d@end a sample. Anyhow, you wi-l find taoat BDH supplied regularly biotin vials cohtaining 0.1 microgram each, and ¥t Ashe Laboratories, 22 Vicboria St.,London, supply biotin ig vials of 25 micrograms each. I have never invem stigated tue biotin needs of 58-161, since I have found that my culture either backgutated to biotin independence, or my glucose contained biotin,since the strain could grow with methionine alone, This is no embarrassment howverm,since ,at least for my purposes, methionine alone was a sufficiently good marker ,better than any ~ have ever tested, In fact, it is extremely difficult to get back mutation for methionine dependence. The ord r of nggnitude of biotin requirements shouldm, anyhow, be kaw lower than 1078 other I have dtarted to work with your Proteus cultures, but I have found it difficult,so far, to obtain good markers. On SMB with glucose, fructose, there is no apparent fermentation. Iiy bacterlophuge cultures do not attack Proteusm,and so I am -ore or less left with the biochemical deficiencies markers, which I am trying to obtain at present. I shall let you know as soon ag I am able to get souetiing done, 24 very glud to har tu:t you are taking an interest in the problem of recombination, which I find very fascinating, bu' very @ifficult indeed. Yours sincerely