= UNIVERSITY OF LONDON es Department of Bacteriology, POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF LONDON Telegrams POSGRADMED CHISK LONDON DUCANE ROAD Telephone SHEpherds Bush 1260 (4 lines) LONDON, W.12 8th. October,1950. Dear Dr.Cavalli, I wrote to you yesterday asking if you would be kind enough to let me have some threonine until I can get some of my own. On looking over the details of my proposed experiment I now find that I also require biotin which I had been hoping to be able to manage without. I am sorry to trouble you again,but could you let me have a milligram or so of biotin? If you cannot manage this,would you let me know from whom I can obtain some or who manufactures it commercially? I require enough to supply the requirements of the K12 mutant 58-161 ' for a dozen or so plates. I gather that the requirement of this vitamin is minute. Yours sincerely, * yf « ah | Midlivn (Dr.William Hayes)