November 23, 1964 Dr. Luca L. Cavalli-Sforza Istituto de Genetica Via Sant 'Epifanto, 14 Pavia, Italy Dear Luca, I am sorry to bother you about this when I know you must be very busy. If either you or Giovonni is likely to have a chance to visit here, it could very well wait until then. Otherwise, either you or he might be able to answer me now. Would it be any disadvantage to your program and interest in chemopotesis if I discussed {ts applications to steroids with the Syntex group? They are just expanding their organic chemistry program here and it would be a good time to introduce the possibility. There {fs no present interest in antibiotic agents, so there ts no likelihood of any immediate conflict. In the long run there might be, but there is perhaps as much chance that a coincidence of interests would be mutually advantageous as not. However, if you are contriving to get substantial support from Lepetit for this line of work, or expect to again in the future, {t might be better to be more reserved and I would understand this very vell., IT am rather sure that this approach will eventually be rediscovered in many other places, but as long as there is a prospect that the various espects are going to be pursued in Pavia, it would be very much my prefer- ence to see that happen. I have some better figures now to go with the paper as topological mapping and now enclose them. As a further step I now see some advantages in tabulating the planar mesh representations, and using these by preference when all the internal paths are vacuous. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg JL:as [717 W D