Columbia Guibersity inthe City of MetwPork DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY LAMONT GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY PALISADES MAIL ADDRESS- LAMONT GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY TORREY CLIFF PALISADES, NEW YORK August 13; 1959 TELEPHONE ELMwoop 9-2900 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: You mentioned to me in Los Angeles a letter which you wrote to President Kirk in reply to his congratulations for your Nobel prize, and stated that after some consideration you decided not to send the letter. As far as the welfare of Columbia University is concerned, I think you made a mistake in that decision. Our present effort to engage in studies on the microbiology of polar seas and sediments is meeting with some resistance within the Medical School. I believe that President Kirk and the administrative team which he has chosen would not only be receptive to any advice which you could offer along the lines of your earlier letter, but that they would be quite grate- ful for it. I certainly do not wish to make undue demands upon your time, or to urge you into a controversial situation, but if you would be willing either to write an appropriate letter to President Kirk as a delayed reply to his letter, or to allow me to suggest that he seek your advice, I would be extremely grateful. On the other hand please be assured that if, for any reason whatever, you wish to remain entirely clear of this problem, I will respect your decision and bear no grudge whatever. With best regards, Sincerely yours, Maurice Ewing MEs JM