: — GO nd beens bf oy Ylny my UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON yarn . SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY SEATILE 5 beg — January 13, 1961 en a Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua: As you know, Howard Rickenberg has now left us, and we are feeling the loss rather keenly. He added a good deal to our Department in many ways. In considering the problem of his replacement, we have now made a definite decision to recruit a man who will be a member of our permanent staff, and I am writing to inquire whether you can suggest a good candidate. The ideal man would, of course, be another edition of Joshua Lederberg! We want a young man with at least a year or two of work beyond his doctoral degree when he joins our staff. During this time he must have shown outstanding achievement. He must be a man of first-rate intellect and demonstrated talent as a scientist. In his position here he will have an excellent opportunity for pursuit of his personal research. Since we hope that the man recruited will justify his being retained as a permanent member of our staff, we have definite expectations that ten years from now he will be a leader in his field of choice and a major figure in our departmental activities in the College of Arts and Sciences and in the Graduate School. In view of the rather stringent requirements described above, we are not specifying that the candidates be interested in any particular field of microbiology. I realize that our requirements are steep and that a man of this sort will be in demand by many schools. However, the excellence of the opportun- ity here is such that I am confident we can compete favorably. We have al- ready received applications from more than twenty men including several who merit serious consideration. However, before we reach a decision, I am eager to consider any outstanding man you can recommend as suitable for this post. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, e - / é Lo “we tt #f . et Gy . Charles A. Evans Professor and Executive Officer CAE: snf P.S. This position is open next June. We can wait a year longer if this is necessary to get the best man. I am to be in Chicago January 31 and may be able to interview candidates in the Midwest or East on that trip.