May 7, 1964 Dr, la Cavalli-Sforza 18, Via Fatebenesorelle Milan, Italy Dear Luca? T am sorry your plans are so constrained, but only because of the limitations it will put on your time here. We are still very anxious to have you here, The financial arrangement vou suggest is quite appropriate, and consistent with the standard of remuneration you would have as a regular member of the faculty, The only question I would have is whether Matthew would benefit enough from a truncated visit, i.e. if tt begins only as late as July 26, fo warrant the expense and trouble, If he 1s anxious for it, this should be enough, (Gn Bhe other hand, if he is at all reluctant under these conditions it probably should not be pressed, hope in any case this would not dis- courage Alba and yourself, Did you notice Flax's paper in 4/44 PNAS? The same hypothesia of SY Jamming, the ribosome, The protein statistics problem is beginning to fall to pieces (except in a negative way) ~ probably mainly because the data are so thin, Still the theory ueeads more extensive development, Our facility with the computer prograns has increased stadily and I hope we can have some active collaboration with you aiso on the demograrhic analyses that are getting under wav, Also Can has some very exciting prospects on the actual in vivo system of DNA replication we want to talk over with you. We have a reasonably expedient solution in hand now to the exponential fits. Ag ever, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Geneeatées P,S. Parhaps you have already heard the heartbreaking news - Dave Bonner died Saturday, He had visitad here only a few weeks ago, partly for some treatnents, and looked rather well then, ‘Sut his Hodgkin&4 was invading nie lungs and he went down very fast, What an inspiration he was the last ten years!