SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT CHARLES A. EVANS DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SEATTLE 3, WASHINGTON December 8, 1959 Dr. Joshus Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Josh: I am writing to ask your help in the selection of new members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Bacteriology. As you will see from the enclosed list, seven members are retiring this year. Roger Porter has asked that I appoint a total of ten new men to handle the increasing number of manuscripts. He has gathered nom- inations from his present Board members, and he knows I am going to consult you, Luria, and Lennette (Why should I pick three "L's"'?2) in making final selections. Roger has suggested that he needs more support in the areas of cytology, genetics and "physiology-biochemistry," and virology. I know the medical virologists reasonably well but need help in the selection of men representing the other areas. I would like to have you recommend six or eight people either from the enclosed list or not on the list. It will be helpful if you will add a phrase or two indicating the specific areas of strength represented by each. Comments about fields needing coverage will also be appreciated. With best wishes, “CLA, of C Ace { Charles A. Evans President CAE: rm Airmail ec: Drs. Foster Cox Porter Mr. Sarber Enclosures: 2