SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT CHARLES A. EVANS DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON December &, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Josh: A year from next July Roger Porter will complete his second five-year term as Editor of the Journal of Bacteriology and will retire from that post. Selection of his successor is one of the important decisions to be made during my tenure as an officer of the SAB. I hope we can recruit a man who will assure that the Journal will develop in a fashion commensurate with the scientific growth in microbiology. That will: be quite a feat! Among those suggested to me are the following (I have not explored their interest and must ask you to keep this list confidential): Perry Wilson Henry Scherp Willard Verwey Wayne Umbreit I will greatly appreciate any suggestions you care to make, either concerning those listed above or others whom you recommend. SAB business is devouring all of my “spare” time and a lot that should not be "spared" from other responsibilities. It will be worth the effort if we can do a good job on the very few important matters -- such as this one. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, ef Charles A. Evans President CAE: rm Airmail cc: Drs. Cox, Foster, Mr. Sarber