' UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY SEATTLE 5 May 21, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics Genetics Building School of Medicine The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Thank you for sending me the information about Dr. Bernstein. I have forwarded copies of this to members of the Committee timaérame respons- ible for nominating the Head of our Diagnostic Bacteriological Laboratories. Lane Barksdale has declined our offer, so we are once more actively ex- amining the field of candidates. We have more than sixty names submitted by various people, but very few of those on the list have records that will give confidence in their capabilities in both diagnostic bacteriology and in investigative work. I shall miss seeing you at future meetings in Bethesda, since we are now both leaving the Microbiology Study Section. However, I hope that you will bear in mind my invitation to come to Seattle sometime on one of your trips west. If you can let me know a few weeks in advance, there is a good chance that I can arrange a fifty dollar honorarium in return for a half-hour dis- cussion of some of the things of current interest to you. This would be listed as a seminar but would certainly not need to be the kind of talk that would require much preparation. In fact, I am sure that with a few well- chosen slides you could give an extemporaneous chat on anything microbiolog- ical that happens to strike your fancy and this would be very well received. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, “yy d Charles A. Evans - Professor and Executive Officer CAE:snf Airmail