UUtE~ THE/ MAGEAZINE FOR MEN 88 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK 22, N.Y. PLAZA 9-3232 August 15, 1958 Mr. Jcshua Lederberg Universi ty of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Mr, Lederberg: Attached is an advance of the September Esquire article, A*LRICA'S BRIGHT YONG MEN, This issue will be released August 19, Thanks very much for supplying the information that I recently re- quested, You can be sure that it will all be put to good use in drawing attention to the article. Let me thank you in advance, too, for any co-operation you can smply, I am sure you are very busy and 1 apvreciate the time you can give. With best wishes, cinecerely yours, ES yUiRi, INC. Jerome 5, *Hlgram Director of Publicity JSM/ jmb encl,