Deportment of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin August 11, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg c/o Dr. Bruce Stocker Lister Institute Chelsea Br Rd London W.W. 1, England Dear Dr. Lederberg: Jackie received the following telegram for you by telephone: “7 "Would appreciate your opinfon - what will be the next most important breakthrough in your field of science. Your answer will be used in news releases about the Sept. Esquire ''Bright Young Men" _ article. Please answer collect Thanks. for cooperation. ge i Jerome S. Milgram Esquire Magazine 488 Madison Avenue New York, N. Y." : Everything is running quite smoothly here. The IBM typewriter has not been picked up,:as you can see. . . | hope that you and Mrs, gderberg are thoroughly enjoying your trip. Sincerely, a MERE