txre faq Ute ~ THE MAGEAZINE FOR MEN 488 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK 22, N.Y. PLAZA 9-3232 July ly, 1958 Mr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Lederberg: We are sure you will be happy to know that you are selected as one of America's bright young men and a potential leader of tomorrow in the field of science. This will be announced in the September issue of Esquire which will be released August 19. THANK YOU A total of 54 people will be named in four classifications: science, politics, business and the arts. The people who made the selections, respectively, were: Dr. Paul Klopsteg, Senator Paul Douglas, businessman Robert Weaver and critic Dwight Macdonald. We are extremely enthusiastic about this article and would like to do all we can to call it to the attention of as many people as possible. To this end, we would appreciate it if you will supply to us the information below, at your earliest convenience. 1. Availability for radio and television interviews. Where can you be reached to set up arrangements? No, 2. Your itinerary from August 19 through September 17, Paris-Stockholm-Copenhagen- London-San Francisco- 3. Your hometown, b. Montclair, N.J. brought up mainly in New York City 4. Organizations, groups you are associated with. University. 5. Schools attended. P.S. 46 NY; JHS 164 NY; Peter Stuygesant H.S. NY; Columbia College; Columbia Univ. Medical School; Yale Univ. 6. Anything of particular interest that you believe will aid us in publicizing our selection of you, Thanks very much for your co-operation. As soon as advances of the article are available, one will be sent to you. With best wishes, Sincerely, ESQUIRE *. é wo te at . a Le LLOSE CME My Jerome &. Milgram Director of Publicity JS: sbw 1958 / Exquires Hlwer Anniversary Year