Esguive CAROLINE BIRD 60 GRAMERCY PARK NEW YORK 10, N.Y. April 25, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear yr, Lederberg, I was unable to reach you by phone, so am sending this short account of you based on the Wollman-Jacob Selentifie American article and a short biography sent me by the University of Wisconsin news office to you in hopes there will be time for you te correet any inaccuracies, The Esquire piece, which Dr. Paul Klopsteg is writing, will be locked up on Tuesday, April 29, so you had better phone me Monday evening at GR 3-0733 reversing the charges if you have suggestions, IT notice in the Scientific American piece that you worked with Esther Lederberg ef some of the Wisconsin work and wonder if she is your wife? I did not get mich personal data, suchas how you got interested in bacteriology, where you were borm and what your carly schooling was, or what your father did, The last is ONT interesting te find out how scientists get started, The story is scheduled for September, inhopeniim Sincerely, bacel, LA fin cA