UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH 1:13, PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES August 27, 1958 br. J. Lederberg Depertment of Human Genetics University of Wisconsin Badisoa, Wisconsin bear Josh: Thenk you for tne suggestions for tne instructorsaip we were trying to fill. We finelly nirea Roger Weinberg, wno hes been working with Bertani curing tne pest year. I wonder if I coula entice you to stop over end visit us at Pittsburgh when you ere in the neighbornooa. I vould lixe very much to aiscuse some of my work witn you end near whet you sre aoing. Also, I em trying to organize a seminer tnis yeer and woula like very much to have you on the progrem. The vepertment has asad no semwiners for years, and your oerticipation would not only provide the oaaly needed "shot in the arm", but would elso be or tremenuous nelp in the entire reorgenization of tne bacteriology curriculum at Pitt thet I heve initieted. Unfortunately, there is no money in the budget for exoenses of seminer speakers, but we nave rented a lerge nouse here end have emole room to put you ena ssther up. I ao nove you can make it. Sincerely,