LONG ISLAND BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION & COLD SPRING HARBOR, NEW YORK BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY ie Sk Se ~ December 7, 1957 q ~ br. J. Lederberg / Department of Genetics ( University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I have accepted a position of Professor of Bacteriology in the Dept. of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, effective Feb. 58, and will probably leave Cold Spring Harbor for Pittsburgh sometime this Spring. 1 would like to describe to you the set-up at Pittsburgh so that perhaps you might be willing to recommend a young Ph.D. for a vacancy there. As you probably know, Pitt has been going through a reorganization. The Medical School has recently been reorganized and moved into new quarters, and now the administration is attempting the same thing with the sciences. Max Lauffer is Dean of Natural Sciences, and he, together with the other deans and the new Chancellor, are trying to revitalize the liberel arts and graduate divisions. Bacteriology is in the Dept. of Biological Sciences, together with zoology and botany. ter a °4 ists. Iwill be the Senior Bacteriologist in a group of three otheré, They wanted me to "reorganize the bacteriology curriculum -- to train students in the fundamentals of microbiology, establish a decent graduate program and get a good research program started". they have accepted the curriculum in bacteriology that “ have suggested. We have eliminated all the superfluous courses, service courses, etc. A new science building has just been completed and the Yiology Yept. (with the exception of Bacteriology) will move into it in January 58. A new wing which will be occupied by Bacteriology is on the planning boards and will be completed in two years. Until then, 3acteriology will remain in the Cathedral. We have primitive, but ample, space. The University is purchasing for me most of the major items of equipment which I require for my research, and 1 will bring the rest in with grants during my first year. t would like to get someone who-could help get this program started. We have an opening for an instructor. Starting selary for a new Ph.D. is $4200 for 9 months, but they would probably go higher for a good man. This man would share my space in the Cathedral if he needs equipment for biochemical work. 1 would like someone trained as a microbiologist, whose regearch interests lie in microbial genetics. I could help support his research at the beginning until he could apply for his own grants. And, of course, | would want someone whose interest in research is not just a passing fancy. If you think of someone, please heve him write to me at Cold Spring Harbor, giving necessary details, such as training, interests, etc., and indicating whether he would be available by September 58. Van frards, a Hoy “llis Snglesberg