Jamuary 2, 1952 Dr. H. H. McKinney Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases U. S. DB. AL Belteville, Md. Dear Dr. MeKinney: Thaticyyou for calling my attention to your paper on virus preservation. I don't have a well-worked out uebhed for preservation on a silica gel, only an idea on which T've Jone a few papsriments. I simply thought that. cne could dry culture’ dfrectly con a chemically inert dessicant such as anhy-— drous silica gol. The problem is in roughly the same state as your own experience-— a design that looks good, but will have to be worked out in detail. I would imagine that silica geil ought to work very weil with plant viruses, but I have no experience along this line. Al} I have done has been to add a desase suspension of bacteria to about twenty parts of silica gel (Davidson So., Baltimore, Grade 40) in a small tube, then seal off in air. The material dkhes down almost imnediately. Survival has been arratic: probably the best menstrun should be worked out. The silica tubes are baked beforehand to sterilize and dehydrate them, and are then kept in a vacuum dessicator. I am pisasad in your interes? in this, and hope that you or your staff may be cbh.e to give some attention to it. It is the sort of thing that noone is likely to want to handle unless they ure closely concerned with preservation problems. On the other hand, I think that the blophysigs of preservation of living corgmaiams is a subject ci the deepest theoretical im ortance, about which we are woefully ignorant. Sincerely, Joshua sederberg Associate Professor of Ganetics