Tel. 23.029; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica - Pavia ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 14 May 17, 1963 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University PAVIA Department of Genetics School of Medicine 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, Calif. Dear Josh, Iuca has told me about the financial arrangements you have made for my support after June 30. These are certainly satisfactory for me. I will arrange for terminating my N.S.F. fellowship on its expiration date, July 1. N.S.F. has been sending ad- vance monthly stipend checks directly to my bank - the Bank of America at the Stanford Shopping Center. This arrangement has been convenient and, with your approval, I hope to continue it. Thus could you ask that my stipend checks be mailed to the Stanford Branch Bank of America for deposit in the joint che- cking account of Kay H. and Howard M. Cann, checking account no. 4+3855. Iuca mentioned that I am to complete some forms for payroll purposes but these forms have not yet arrived. They did not accompany your letter. I believe Iuca has mentioned the sti- pend I am receiving from N.S.F. for this year( $8,500). This sum should cover our expenses for next year here. I have written to Norm Kretchmer that luca has secured support for me for another year at Pavia. Thus the extension of my stay here should be clear, since Norm indicated to me (in March) that he would give his permission if I made the necessary financial arrangements. I have not indicated the sour- ce of support in my letter to Norm. Thanks very much, Josh, for your pa- tient support of my educational process. Sincerely yours Llowand Howard M. Cann, M.D.