September 20, 1962 Dr. Luca Cavalli-§ forza 18, Via Fatebenesorel le Milan, Italy Dear Luca: Would you care to computize a key-word index to these SI8s? Put a man In loop to mark key words? Later we may discuss better grouping techniques. Sincerely, Encl: SIB Nos. 3& 4 Notes on Preliminary test on Burroughs 220 a ppt vore tc Luca idea on random nunber generator. Count intervals >etween radioactive disintegrations. These are distributed around am a poorly estinated expectation. 3ut compare each interval counted with the averaze value of all previous intervals in the set. These should accurately fora random choices of >=1, <= 0 for construction of sets of random bits. (These do not, of course, nave to be generated in real tine while the computer is handlin: the vain prosran.) what if t J, &, but = t,,7 I suppose reject that number. Is electronic noise random enough to use this directly as source of pulses without bothering about actual radio counter? The idea of the average is to use the actual neasured distribution of past events to set the threshold at best oureent estinate for p= 1/2. This say introduce sone systematic errors in the early generation of the average, out theee snould soothe out as the nunber of terms used to compute the average sounts. In fact one should set the threshold not at the mean but the median time interval. (?a¢2 (che cedian is also an average, so sy discussion above is not technically incorrect) Use lons-lived isotope and so ignore gradual decay of counts, How is echemo-, fluoro-, thera- poiesis? | / — P.G. Can you print your own compugerized library scan on a sheet seet up for sark- sesste:? ihe a reader could make a check list from the full output index, ari feed he 2 7 + 1 be . 3 this directly back to the compu Ler co prepare a selective oibliograophy. (And by a few sucecessive approxiuatioss and a little lozic .o eatch duplications even prepare a subject-organized index). This will »e fun to talk about in “oveaber; aeanwhile, perhaps worthwhile to investisate tne vossibilities of a mark-sensins attaechuent to reac the am edited output sheets, P.3. what lansuace does your computer understand? Jo you have a coupiler? (1 have yeen learning BALGOL).