We hope to be able to cover some, at least, of the expenses of room and board for participants (though not of their wives) at the Tenth Pugwash Conference. Professor Rotblat will write to you aS soon as we have definite information. ‘ TENTH PUGWASH CONFSRENCE ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS London, September 3rd - 7th, 1962 8, Asmara Road, London, N.W.2. 25 July, 1962. Dear Professor Cavalli-Sforza, In connection with your acceptance to attend the above Conference, I would be grateful if you could supply me with some advanced information to facilitate arrangements. As Conference Administrator, I am here to make your participation both trouble free and comfortable, and if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to let me know. The Conference is being held at the Hotel Russell, and the majority of participants will be accommodated there. I give in the attached questionnaire the charges per person per day including all meals and gratuities, and in order to reserve accommodation to your satisfaction, will you please indicate your preferences. The Windsorian World Travel Agency is handling our travel and entertainment arrangements, and, although Conference funds are not yet available for participant's own travel, should you require us to arrange your travel, please let us know; we would be pleased to do this for you. Maybe you might like to see our Country before, or after, the Conference; if so, let us help and advise you in this respect. Do not forget, I am here to help you should difficulties or queries arise, let me know and I will do my best to solve them. Can you please now fill in the attached questionnaire, and post it to 8 Asmara Road, London, N.W.2. It will give us a good guide of your requirements and help the administration considerably. Yours sincerely, CG Y Gada / — ae G. BP. R. ESDALE Conference Administrator.