May 22, 1961 Or. L.L. Cavallte-S forza Istituto de Genetica Via Sant ‘Epifanto, 14 Pavia, Italy Dear Luca: The enclosure {s the manuscript of en italian translation of an article that | wrote In English for the Journal Triangle that is distributed by Sandoz, Ltd. They are also putting it Inte the several other languages they use for thelr distribution. While 1! think it would be possible for me to understand this text with the particular advantage of having written It, ! would be quite uneasy about approving It without advice from someone who can understand the nuances and keep from making some stup!d or offensive error. | certainly do not went to ask you to proofread this, but | would appreciate it very much if you could look at it quickly and tell me if anything strikes your notice as being unlikely to have come from my pen. So t will not bother you elther with the original text. If you could let me know your opinion about this at an early date, | am sure that the editors would appreciate it even more than |. As ever, P.S. Page 2, Item 7 Is "barring mutation’ = good italian? Doesn't mancanze have the seme Implication? Under the footnotes, item 6, | would have to ask whether ''come un lupo In vest! dl agnello' Is a familiar idiom In Italian; otherwise it would make no sense. 1 suppose thet Aesop must have been available in itallen long before Engl! sh!