. a TN eget. ~ _ Sa ree, INSTITUT FOR VIROLOGIE BERLINN4, den .APF4A2 25, 1964 AN DER MEDIZINISCHEN FAKULTAT Schumonnste, 207 21 Telefon 420015, App. 876 DER HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITAT ZU BERLIN Bankverbindung: Deutsche Notenbank Berlin HA. Rosenthal Kto.-Nr. 11.27 600 Prof. Dr. Jd. Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison / Wise, USA Dear Prof. Lederberg: For several weeks I tried to isolate a chloramphenicol resistant mutant of E. coli B, but did not succeed, I should like to ask you, whether you possess such a mutant oF another one of E. coli that propagates phage T 2 or other T—phages. Would you be so kind as to send me this mutant? Thanking you for yourg troubles connected with it I remain yours truly (H.A. Rosenthal ) x bdo nit BED arggrl gp cmanll bn Goal” Dr. L. L. Cavalli-Sforza ‘Istituto de Geneticd Via Sant ‘Epifanio, 14 Pavia, Italy