Istgenetica ~ Pavia Tel. 23.029 ; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico : LLCS/1s ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 14 PAVIA Dear Joshua, 28th January 1961 Prof. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics, Stanford, iledical School, Palo Alto Yesterday's call proved that satellites may do a great deal of goof to humanity, because with the present means communications across the Ocean are still a problem. Whenever your words became important I could understand only 10 or 20% of them. Ruggero had told me had written to Holman he might be available for a job. His situation is the fol- lowing: although, thanks to the "concorso" he is now eligible for a chair, there is none available immediately, and he may have to wait one or two years. If he had to wait more than two years he may lose the present advantage of eligibi- lity. He has some other interesting possibilities in italy, so it will not be an easy decision for him, although I am sure he will take Stanford in very serious consideration; how could he do otherwise? As far as my opinion goes, I would have nothing against it, both from the point of view of the interest of Stanford University, which would certainly earn from his joining, and my personal interest. If I under- stood you correctly, this would not alter my chances of a job there, and I think if we both were in the same Medical school, especially one of the size of Stanford, our interests are sufficiently complementary that we would not feel or act competively. As to my plans: it is easier for me not to take any commitments until the Summer. I hope to see you for COSPAR in Florence. Will you come? Motulsky wrote inviting me to the Hawaii meeting. I have not yet decided about it. Will you be in Stanford in August and would it be possible to see you and spend a week there on my way on or off? The meeting is scheduled for August 23. Thanks for doing so much banking for me. You Should by now have received the Interist fees; they will always be a little late in January because they have to go on the new year's budget, which starts January 10. If you have not received them, let me know. Giovanni tells me the fees will not include the $60 odd we owe you for various reasons and which have not been forgotten; if that is all right with you I will send you a personal check and be reimbursed here. Giovanni is also sorry there is a delay in sending the formulas of penicillanic acid derivatives: it will take some more reminding at Lepetit to set them, Lepetit is doing the fluorinations now; I will write as soon as results will be available. The nitrous acid derivative which proved toxic also after chromatography, has been tried in therapy tests, and it was a failure (as expected). Re Sinisealco and Stanley Wright. Was he there last Summer? I cannot recall him. Siniscalco might be convenient for Kretschmer. On the other hand he may feel the job is for a junior person. Have you any idea about the salary? Does your subtilis tend to swarm in any unplea- Sant way at least in some conditions? All the best to you and Esther, LMrsae L.L. Cavalli-Sforza