THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE 18, MARYLAND Mc OLLUM-PRATT INSTITUTE INVESTIGATION OF MICRONUTRIENT ELEMENTS February 20, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: We would be very happy to transfer the invitation to Mr. Zinder, and I hope that you will be willing to inform him of all the details. I am enclosing an outline of suggestions to the authors, which I hope is clear. I would ap- preciate it if you could let me know whether I en- closed one of these in my first letter to you. We sent out several invitations, and I thought that we had included them. If we did not, we should send them to the other people. Best regards. Sincerely yours, Buk W. D. McElroy Director WDM: SWB Enc e